ASHM has partnered with Iris Education to create ‘Decision Making in Contraception: Consultation Essentials’. This resource will support clinicians through the process of a contraceptive consultation, with reminders of key discussion points and considerations to work through with patients.
This resource opens to display a quick reference table summarising advantages and disadvantages of different contraceptive options. Need-to-know topics such as ‘Quick Start’, emergency contraception, and contraceptive consultations for young people are all covered in this vital new resource.
“Contraception (for pregnancy prevention) is often seen as ‘the pill’, and that’s it. There is a huge variety of methods available to meet individual preferences and needs. This resource provides a terrific overview of the minutiae of specific methods, allowing for reproductive choice and autonomy,” says Dr Karen Freilich, Academic GP Registrar and sexual health researcher at SPHERE.
The decision making resource will complement ASHM’s new ‘Contraception Essentials in Primary Care’ training course, which will be available online throughout 2023.
“The Decision Making in Contraception tool aims to provide a summarised and readily accessible place to find important principles, problem solving tips and method pros and cons to support contraception provision in clinical practice,” says Dr Caroline Harvey, Co-Director of IRIS Education, Senior GP in sexual and reproductive health at the Insititute of Urban Indigenous Health, and one of the authors of the new resource. “It uses national and international guidelines to assist practitioners who seek evidence based contemporary contraception information.”
ASHM is grateful to Organon for an unrestricted educational grant which assisted in the development of this resource
Click here to view the resource.