
July 23, 2024

Remote prescribing breaking down barriers to hepatitis C treatment in New South Wales 

How the person-centred NSW Hepatitis C Remote Prescribing program is delivering hepatitis C screening and treatment to hundreds at-risk of being left untreated.
July 23, 2024

How co-design is revolutionising hepatitis B care in the Northern Territory

Hep B PAST shows the importance of co-design to improve testing and care uptake for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living with hepatitis B. 
July 23, 2024

Combating hepatitis C in primary care

How Australian clinics are doing their part to make hepatitis C elimination a reality
July 23, 2024

The latest Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project reports available now

The reports outlining the latest information on prevalence and treatment uptake for hepatitis B and hepatitis C are available now.
July 17, 2024

HIV Unwrapped

This project extends an invitation to consider what would a HIV scientist/researcher wear which amplifies themselves and their work in HIV?
July 15, 2024

STEPT project renewed for continued efforts towards triple elimination 

The STEPT project will continue to make an impact across Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste.
July 3, 2024
Policy & Advocacy

Australian Consensus Statement on HIV Treatment Initiation

Read the national consensus on initiation of antiretroviral (ART) treatment in Australia
June 18, 2024
Policy & Advocacy

U=U Global Policy Roundtable Report

The report following the 2023 Global U=U Roundtable in Meanjin (Brisbane).
June 17, 2024

Removal of collaborative arrangement requirements an opportunity for “true collaboration”

Changes to legislative requirements around nurse practitioners and eligible midwives could lead to a more cohesive primary healthcare system.

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