HIV Health Workforce Capacity Building Project

ASHM collaborated with the Oceania Society for HIV and Sexual Health Medicine (OSSHHM) to deliver HIV and sexual health training and clinical mentoring to 11 Pacific Island Countries under the Western Pacific Multi-Country Global Fund grant.

HIV Health Workforce Capacity Building Project

Dates: 2016 - 2017

ASHM collaborated with the Oceania Society for HIV and Sexual Health Medicine (OSSHHM) to deliver HIV and sexual health training and clinical mentoring to 11 Pacific Island Countries under the Western Pacific Multi-Country Global Fund grant.
Partners: Ministries of Health in 11 Pacific Island Countries, Oceania Society for HIV and Sexual Health Medicine (OSSHHM) and the Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network (PSGDN)

  1. A pool of 7 clinical master mentors established within Fiji and their capacity built to deliver clinical training and mentoring to Pacific Island countries.
  2. Approximately 300 health workers in 11 countries trained in HIV complex case management, STI testing and treatment, reduction in stigma and discrimination within health settings and an introduction to transgender health medicine.

Acknowledgement of partners and donors: UNDP Pacific, The Global Fund

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