Governance Policy


ASHM Health (ASHM) is a membership-based organisation with the legal structure of a public company limited by guarantee. ASHM is subject to regulation by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC) and has health promotion charity status.
ASHM complies with the principles of governance as mandated by the ACNC.
The Board takes legal and fiscal responsibility for ASHM, establishes delegations including to Board committees, and oversees strategic management and planning.
The ASHM Board members have ultimate responsibility for the governance of the organisation. Broadly governance is concerned with:

  • The internal framework, within which the Board works with the CEO and staff, volunteers, service users, members, and other stakeholders, to ensure the organisation is effectively and properly run.
  • External relations and related compliance requirements.


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Confirm ASHM’s commitment to best practise governance practices.
  • Identify the key governance documents and their purpose.


Governance is concerned with the systems and processes that ensure the overall direction, effectiveness, supervision, and accountability of an organisation.

The Governance Manual comprises this Policy, the Constitution, Board Charter, and Compliance Manual.


Approved 28 November 2023

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