Frequently Asked Questions

Contact and enquiries

January 30, 2024

All phone lines are managed between 9am – 5pm (AEDT), Monday to Friday. 

ASHM HIV Prescriber enquiries 

Email: Contact us and select “Prescriber Program” and “HIV” 

Phone: 0478 695 506 

ASHM HBV Prescriber enquiries  

Email: Contact us and select “Prescriber Program” and “HBV” 

Phone: 0422 596 701 

s100 Prescriber enquiries – Victoria only 

Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning program (VHHITAL)  fulfils ASHM’s role for HIV and HBV prescribers in Victoria. Contact VHHITAL at: 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 03 9347 1188 

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