ASHM’s 2022-23 Annual Report is now available.
Take a look at a snapshot of the year that was, as well as highlights from each of our teams across HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, sexual and reproductive health, our global division and our conference and events team. Read messages summarising the year from ASHM President Dr Nicholas Medland and CEO Alexis Apostolellis.
The report also includes our audited financial statements.
ASHM’s 2022-23 at a glance
During the 2022-23 financial year, ASHM continued to support health workers across Australia, Asia and the Pacific to build their confidence and skills around bloodborne viruses and sexual and reproductive health.

Our Australian programs
ASHM’s Australian programs focus on building capacity and driving collaboration in Australia’s health workforce around HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexual and reproductive health. During 2022-23, our team developed and released a variety of tools, resources, and awareness programs to address ongoing and emerging public health concerns.
ASHM Global
Meanwhile, ASHM Global continued to work closely with in-country partners across Asia and the Pacific to deliver quality and accessible programs and help build local, capable health workforces. Across our Global programs in 2022-23:
- 2,387 health workers across the Asia Pacific region were reached by ASHM Global activities
- Over 100 health workers established as local clinical mentors in PNG
- 63% of health workers trained were female
- 2% of health workers trained reported to be living with disability.
Conference and events
Following the easing of COVID-19 travel restrictions in 2022, ASHM resumed hosting in-person conferences and events around the world. Across ASHM and client conferences, our conferences and events brought together over 3,000 international delegates to connect, learn, and be inspired.

Significant conferences and events hosted by ASHM during the 2022-23 financial year include the 2nd Australasian COVID-19 Conference, Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference 2022, Australasian Sexual and Health Conference 2022, 1st Conference on Australasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases, 1st Asia and Pacific Transgender Health Masterclass, and Optimising Care Series 2023.
“This range of meetings demonstrates ASHM’s multidisciplinary engagement in our sector — across clinical, community, and science for example — the breadth of fields where ASHM works, and the diverse partners who are interested in working with ASHM.”
- Dr Nicholas Medland, ASHM President, President’s Report
Our commitment to reconciliation
Across all of our teams and divisions, ASHM is committed to working towards reconciliation with Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We acknowledge the historical injustices, the past atrocities, the genocide, and dispossession committed against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this land. We recognise the remnants of colonial systems and policies persist today, and we acknowledge the ongoing efforts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples tearing down those structures. The journey toward justice, remembrance, and addressing our nation’s past is a continual and vital component to healing, and one we are committed to walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
In 2022-23, ASHM took several steps in this ongoing journey of listening, acknowledge, learning, and growth:
- Our second Reconciliation Action Plan (Innovate RAP) was endorsed
- Increased staff engagement with ASHM’s RAP following presentation and Q&A with Reconciliation Australia
- All staff undertake online cultural training
- A two-day workshop dedicated to education around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories
- Gadigal-based staff participated in the Sorry Day Stolen Generations Community Gathering at the Royal Botanic Gardens
- ASHM staff participated in Clothing the Gaps Foundation’s For Our Elders Run event during NAIDOC Week.
Additionally, we stand in solidarity with the Uluru Statement from the Heart and remain committed to realising justice, recognition and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.