Training Library
Enhance your healthcare skills with ASHM’s diverse training courses for health professionals working in HIV, blood-borne viruses, and sexual and reproductive health. Discover practical knowledge with our face-to-face, hybrid, virtual, and online self-paced options. Improve patient outcomes and advance your career.
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Health Topics:
22 May - 12 Jun
National HIV s100 Prescriber Course
Training includes online modules, videos, discussions, and group work. Eligible attendees can apply for HIV s100 prescribing authorisation.
29 Apr - 20 May
QLD HIV s100 Prescriber course
Training includes online modules, videos, and case discussions. Eligible attendees can apply for HIV S100 prescribing authorisation.
27 Feb - 20 Mar
NSW HIV s100 Prescriber course (online)
Training includes online modules, case discussions, and group work. Eligible attendees can apply for authorisation to prescribe HIV s100.
26 Feb - 27 Mar
Antenatal Syphilis Train the Trainer Program Expression of Interest 2025
Participate in a new ‘train the trainer’ program on antenatal STI testing, with an emphasis on the prevention of congenital syphilis
31 Mar
Curing Hepatitis C in Primary Care
HCV treatment is simpler than ever. Boosting primary care treatment is key to eliminating HCV in Australia by 2030. Register now!
18 Feb - 04 Mar
NT Hepatitis B s100 Prescriber Course
Eligible participants may apply to the relevant state departments of health for authority to prescribe Section 100 (s100) drugs for HBV.
On Demand
Clinical Auditing and Case Finding in Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C Clinical Auditing and Case Finding is an eLearning course designed as an introduction to quality improvement (QI) and aims to su
Removing Barriers
The Removing Barriers website offers a simple three-step approach to address and eliminate barriers created by stigma and discrimination.
On Demand
Mini Clinical Audit – Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) Screening and Management in General Practice
Effective management of STIs involves timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and diligent follow-up to prevent complications, further tran