Course Overview
This online learning module is designed to provide midwives and clinicians providing antenatal care in NSW, with the tools to identify priority populations for antenatal syphilis testing in their practice, and distinguish the stages of syphilis infection based on a patient’s history and clinical presentation. This one-hour learning module will outline treatment guidelines for these stages, including more complex clinical scenarios, as well as the process of contract tracing/partner notification after a syphilis diagnosis.
Course learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the epidemiology of infectious syphilis in NSW.
- Identify priority populations for syphilis screening in your workplace.
- Distinguish the stages of syphilis infection by the patients clinical presentation and history.
- Outline the process of contact tracing/partner notification after a syphilis diagnosis.
Target audience: Midwives, shared care GP’s, and other clinicians providing antenatal care.
This activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria. Completion of this educational activity entitles eligible participants to claim 1 CPD hour.
This is an RACGP-approved CPD activity under the RACGP CPD Program. It is accredited for 0.5 educational activity hours, and 0.5 reviewing performance hours.
Approved by ACCRM for 0.5 education activity and 0.5 outcome measurement PDP hours.
Contact: Please email [email protected] if you require assistance or have a clinical question you would like to raise with a medical educator.
Important: Please use the latest version of Google Chrome browser and enable popups/active content while completing this course.
Last updated: October 2023
Funders: This course has received support from NSW Ministry of Health.