Course Overview
Effective management of STIs involves timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and diligent follow-up to prevent complications, further transmission, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. This GP education and mini clinical audit will support GPs to audit the process and upskill GPs to comprehensively screen for and provide timely and appropriate STI case management.
General practitioners (GPs) are often the first point of contact for patients with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), making their role vital in the early detection and management of STIs.
A clinical audit allows GPs to systematically review their clinical performance against best-practice guidelines. This auditing activity will support GPs to increase STI screening and effectively and comprehensively manage a positive diagnosis.
Learning Objectives
- Identify best practice approaches to STI testing and management.
- Review the management of a cohort of patients who have been tested and/or diagnosed with an STI in your practice.
- Assess your management of STIs against the Australian STI Management Guidelines for Use in Primary Care
This course has been approved as a CPD activity by RACGP for the 2023-2025 triennium. Educational Activities: 1.5 hours. Measuring Outcomes: 5 hours. Reviewing Performance: 1.5 hours.
Please email [email protected] if you require assistance
This activity was developed in collaboration with SA Health.