Welcome and thank you for joining our Hepatitis B for Nurses and Midwives course!
This online training course is designed for nurses and midwives who have high or at high-risk case load of CHB patients. The course will provide participants with advanced practical skills and knowledge in hepatitis B.
The program content is delivered through presentations and case discussions that introduce the epidemiology and natural history of hepatitis B, vaccination, testing, fibrosis assessment, advanced liver disease, stigma and discrimination and explores the cultural context of hepatitis B care.
Please also see the Resources section at the bottom of the navigation menu as it contains some handy resources which you will hopefully find helpful over the next few weeks.
Please use the navigation bar on the left to work through your pre-course activities.
This activity, including all required pre-course and post-course work is equivalent to 10 CPD hours. Additionally, the suggested self-paced learning components are equivalent to an additional 2.0 CPD hours.
Australian College of Midwives CPD Endorsed Activity
This course is endorsed by ACN according to our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Endorsed Course Standards. It has been allocated 10 CPD hours according to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Continuing Professional Development Standard.
Any feedback or issues can be emailed to the Education team at [email protected]