Motivate C wants to find out how to encourage as many people with hep C as possible to seek treatment in primary care.
Most people with hepatitis C can be cured with as little as 8 weeks of treatment. Despite this, many Australians with hepatitis C are yet to undertake the treatment and be cured. The Motivate C project, led by the University of Sydney, is studying whether the offer of a cash incentive will encourage people to take up hepatitis C treatment in primary care.
The University of Sydney is leading this national project in collaboration with researchers, healthcare providers and GP experts within the hepatitis C field. Funding for the project is provided by the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund. The Motivate C study is recruiting participants now.
Adults with hepatitis C and who haven’t been tested for hepatitis C in the past 4 weeks can take part. Participants self-register for this study and will be connected with a treatment navigator, to guide them through all study procedures. The project will provide all participants with a compensation payment for their time. Additionally, participants may be randomly assigned to receive a reward payment for commencing hepatitis c therapy.
GPs are critical to the success of the Motivate C project. They can help by identifying eligible participants and letting them know about the project.
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