In 2021-22, ASHM undertook a review of its existing BBV and STI Nursing education courses to better reflect the role of the Midwife in BBV and STI care.
Midwife attendance at ASHM clinical workforce education activities has been steadily increasing, and with this in mind, more targeted inclusion of content related to maternal care provided by Midwives into ASHM’s existing education will support achieving the proposed outcomes of the strategies.
ASHM sought Midwife clinical advisors through the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) and through existing ASHM membership. The result of these reviews included modifying learning outcomes to include the role of Midwives, updating course content, including case discussions to accurately reflect the role of the Midwife in each course and to ensure relevancy to Midwives attending the course. The course names were also updated to accurately represent the target audience of Nurses and Midwives. A RANZCOG Physician provided specialist review of the newly included content.
The following ASHM courses are now endorsed by both ACM and the Australian College of Nursing (ACN).
- Hepatitis B for Nurses and Midwives (previously Hepatitis B Nursing: Advanced Management and Care)
- Hepatitis C for Nurses and Midwives (previously Hepatitis C Nursing)
- Sexual Health Fundamentals for Nurses and Midwives (previously STI & BBV Nursing: An Introduction)
- Sexual Health Management and Care for Nurses and Midwives (STI & BBV Nursing: Management and Care)
Visit the ASHM training page to register for upcoming courses or contact [email protected] to express your interest in joining the next course.