Hep B care.

It’s primary care, too.

In many cases, a hepatitis B diagnosis can be managed by accredited hepatitis B s100 community prescribers in primary care. But just 10% of people being treated for hepatitis B are currently being managed exclusively in primary care. Accredited s100 prescribers have undertaken additional training to provide quality care for hepatitis B within primary care settings – and it is easy to find one that suits your patient.

There are many potential benefits for treating hepatitis B in the primary care setting. Patients typically receive treatment faster, are less prone to disconnect from health services, and are more likely to adhere to treatment regimes. Plus, it can reduce potential barriers to care – like geographic location or cultural and language barriers.

As a clinician, it is essential you know all the pathways to hepatitis B treatment and management – and can work with your patients to find the best fit for them. As part of this campaign, we’ve produced new resources to support delivering the best care for hepatitis B and referral to hepatitis B s100 community prescribers.

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